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Survive all seasons with our WINTER TONIC, available NOW!

Winter Tonic is an Elderberry based immune boost, made with wild Elderberries which I pick with the help of a group of friends, a blend of Echinacea Purpura and Angustifolia and a local Blossom Honey.

The Elderberries are anti viral and the Echinacea boosts the immune system, blended with the honey it is both soothing and tasty with an interesting tingle.


It will sooth a sore throat almost immediately and has helped many singers. Some people such as school teachers take a bit every day and have found it to ward off the usual bugs that they have had in previous years. Others have reported taking it at the first signs of infection and knocked it on its head before its had chance to catch hold of them. 

Herbalosophy • Winter Tonic
Our customers say:
Eldeberry Poem


Dear Elder berry


Genus of flowering energy


Who feeds our birds

Brings colour to our hedgerow universe


Needing only light to grow

Unfussy so and so



For the medicine you bring

To help us through the winters biting winds

Ensuring singers stay in voice

Soothing body shocks from sometimes negative choices

To help us breathe

Alleviate our allergies

And balm our joints and injuries


Your flora makes us strong

Each day a little easier to face

Teaching us one way into the universe

Is through the forest wilderness


No matter our pretensions

We owe our lives to what is underfoot

No temple made by mortal hands

Could ever be so good


So I conjure you my brethren

To be forever grateful for her gifts

For nature is our lifeline

She’s our survival kit


Be aware of earth as poetry

For it is how we breathe and live


She sends her glorious incense up

From a medicine woman’s shrine

Who from berries made a dewy cup

To pour her sacred wine


So let us arise

And open up the gates

To breathe the wild warm air of health

For natures plants still pledge themselves

To the guardianship of our ailments


We evolved with plants around

With them we must still fortify ourselves


For here on the paths of everyday

No matter what our human ways

Is all we need to breathe



So thank-you

Dear Elder berry

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